Nakaya Fine Deep 240mm Dozuki Saw

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Regular price $84.00 inc GST

Product details

  • SKU NAK-WD240W

Nakaya Fine Deep 240mm Dozuki Saw

This premium Nakaya Dozuki saw is for fine cross cut joinery work.

It features a very thin 0.3mm blade stock and 0.45mm kerf for razor sharp cutting. Slightly more robust than the Super Fine Dozuki's by Nakaya, allowing this model to have a deeper overall cut, while still being extremely fine and precise. The rigid spine prevents distortion of the blade during use. This model is the perfect option for most quality joinery work where quick, accurate and fine cuts are desirable.

The hardened Japanese style faceted teeth cut extremely efficiently on the pull stroke with little effort. A 240mm fully replaceable blade is set in a traditional rattan wrapped timber handle.