oooo Steel Wool 40g roll

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SKU: SW000040G
Regular price $15.00 inc GST

Product details

  • SKU SW000040G
  • Barcode 9310271005194

oooo Steel Wool 40g roll

Superfine steel wool, ideal for application of Cabinet Makers Wax.


ABC Superfine  0000 Steel Wool




Mild steel wool.

Used For

Application of Gilly’s Cabinet Makers Wax. General abrasive cleaning of a variety of surfaces.

Surface Preparation using Cabinet Makers Wax

Prepare the raw timber using either our Orange Oil, Liquid Beeswax or Restoring and New Timber Polish.

How to Apply using Cabinet Makers Wax

  1. Dip 0000 steel wool into tin and remove a small amount of wax. Rub into the timber with pressure in line with the grain. 
  2. Buff back with a soft, lint-free cloth or buffing pads. Can be applied without the steel wool.
  3.  Use up to three coats, buffing well between coats. Allow up to four hours between coats.